
Robot Pool Cleaner Reviews Compare Models

Finding the best robot pool cleaner is hard

Doing the research on robot pool cleaner reviews to compare robotic pool cleaners isn’t easy.
There’s many models and the information is all over the place.
That’s why we’ve done it for you.
We’ve trawled the internet to find independent reviews of various pool cleaning robots, including our own, where we can.
There are pool robot reviews to be found on,
and various distributor websites, which cover the major models.
The table below gives a summary of the key features of major brand models of pool robot cleaners, compared to ours.
We originally could not find any other battery powered pool cleaner models, which is what made ours unique.
Now we see there is the poolbot b150 and maybe some others that have newly come into the market.
Interestingly, this rechargeable pool cleaner has been recently sourced from our own supplier.
Other than to say that the distributors will be inexperienced in servicing this kind of battery pool cleaner,
whereas we already know what can go wrong.


What’s important when you compare robotic pool cleaners

If you were to ask us what’s important for a robot pool vacuum cleaner, you might be surprised. We would say:
  • Safety. If it plugs into the wall, you shouldn’t be swimming while it’s working. That’s why we specialise in the battery operated pool cleaner.
    We may be biased, but we can’t supervise how everyone is going to behave around our devices.
  • Volume. It’s unbelievable how much junk gets into a pool, and the filter baskets fill up fast.
    The fineness of the filter mesh is secondary, since whatever is already in the basket will act to collect more fine particles.
  • Weight. Add an extra 5kg to the dry weight of the device, and that’s what you’re pulling out of the water when it’s finished.

Others may say tech gimmicks like WiFi etc are important,

And we accept this, which is why we have a WiFi attached model as well.
Our BalmainBug I pool cleaner is a swimming pool robot that can be programmed to “map” your pool.
This is very useful for owners of pools with non-standard shapes, like lap pools for example, which are long and narrow.
The standard programming for most robotic pool vacuum cleaners is not designed with these types of pools in mind.
But don’t get drawn into spending a lot of time time using Wifi connections to program your robot pool vac.
If you do, then there’s not much difference in that to cleaning the pool yourself.


Which brand has the best robot pool cleaner Australia needs?

Whether you have started out looking for a Dolphin M400, Zodiac CX35, Hayward Sharkvac, or even poolbot, it doesn’t matter now that you are reading this.
You are doing your due diligence, trying to decide which robotic pool cleaner is right for you.
And we’ve produced this article to help you see that our cordless robotic cleaners are the best robotic pool cleaners Australia deserves.
Also, we are proudly an Australian brand.
The first Australian brand of battery powered pool cleaners, despite others who are trying to copy us.
And we can say we have been supporting and servicing robotic pool cleaners for a lot longer than the newcomers, so we really know how they work.


We hope you find the following table useful for robot pool cleaner reviews compare models.

To find out more about our pool cleaners, please read this article. 


BalmainBug I
Platypus II
Blue Swimmer II
SharkVac XL
ImageBattery Driven Swimming Pool Robot Balmain BugPlatypus IIBlue Swimmer IIDolphin M400Dolphin S100Zodiac Ex4000 Zodiac CX35 hayward_aquavac
Price (AUD)$1,298(max)$649(max)$1,529(max)$2,500 $1,499 $2,200 $1,599 $1,499
Wheels or RollersWheelsWheelsRollersRollersRollersWheelsRollersWheels
Battery Power (Ah)8.6Ah6.6Ah7.7AhMains
Power (W)65W50W130W150W130W150W150W150W
Cleaning Time1.5 hr1.5 hr1.5 hr1.5 / 2 / 2.5 hr2 hr1.1 hr1 hr to 3.5 hr2 hr
Capacity /
Filter (microns)180180180180180100200180
Incline (Max.)90º30º90žº90žº90žº90žº90žº90žº
Speed( (m/min)11 (m/min)20 (m/min)10 (m/min)15 (m/min)10 (m/min)10 (m/min) 10 (m/min)10 (m/min)
Capacity (litres/hr)10,000 (L/hr)20,000 (L/hr)16,000 (L/hr)16,000 (L/hr)16,000 L/hr)16,000 (L/hr)16,000 (L/hr)16,000 (L/hr)
Internal Vol. (litres)4L5L7L7L7L5L5L5L
No cableNo cableNo cable18m15m18m18m18m
Working Area (sqm)No Limit
No Limit
No Limit75 sqm
by cable)
65 sqm
by cable)
50 sqm
by cable)
75 sqm
by cable)
75 sqm
by cable)
Clean Floors
Clean Walls✘
Suitable For
* use foam rollers
CaddyNot reqdNot reqdNot reqdIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
Mobile App
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robotzoo offers the best pool robotic cleaners Australia can get.
We ensure that you will get crystal-clear results from your pool robot.
Whether you have been looking at the Dolphin M400, Zodiac CX35,
Hayward SharkVac, or the Poolbot b150, you can compare our models.
If you are looking for user guides for some of these models, try here.
Check out our Blue Swimmer, Platypus, and Balmain Bug models.
And have a look at the challenges they can overcome.
We’re sure that you will find that our cleaners compare very favourably.
If you’re not sure if robot cleaners are ideal for you, shoot us a question.
We’d love to chat.

Do You Want To Find Out More?

Would you like to discuss the suitability of our devices to your situation?
please just fill out the enquiry form.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to speak to us first,
please call us on 1 3000 ROBOT. (1 3000 76268)
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