The Future Role of Robots In Pool Maintenance
When talking to people about our pool cleaning robots, we sometimes get the response, “well I have someone who comes and does the pool”, as if to say that’s the end of the matter. But it really isn’t. There are lots of good reasons to use robots in pool maintenance. Read on …
“I have someone who comes and does the pool”.
A pool cleaning service can cost households about $65 per hour.
This could add up to anywhere from from $80 to $160 per month, depending on the frequency of service. But it’s not something that should be skimped on. Pools need to be constantly kept in chemical balance, and should be maintained on a weekly basis, at least in the summer months.
This could add up to anywhere from from $80 to $160 per month, depending on the frequency of service. But it’s not something that should be skimped on. Pools need to be constantly kept in chemical balance, and should be maintained on a weekly basis, at least in the summer months.
Of course, they could ask the neighbourhood kids to do it, for a little less, or even do it themselves, and hope nothing goes wrong. But then they need to get up the learning curve, and understand all the little things. Sooner or later, the professionals are likely to get called in.

Somebody has to pay for all that.
If we put ourselves in the shoes of the pool maintenance contractor for a minute … they probably spend as much time on the road as they do on site. They also need to have the right insurance, the right equipment, chemicals, etc, and a vehicle to transport it around. Somebody has to pay for all that.

There has to be a better way.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Most of the time spent maintaining the pool goes towards doing the lowest value task, ie. cleaning it. This is where automatic cleaners and robots are already helping, by giving the contractor an extra set of hands so they can attend to other tasks.
But there’s a problem even with the robots in pool maintenance. Because these plug into the wall, they shouldn’t be used unsupervised – nobody should be using the pool while these things are working. Except, as in the case of robotzoo’s pool cleaners, the robots are internally battery operated, and have no cables!.

The Role For Robots In Pool Maintenace.
Household robots really will change the way we do things.
With battery-driven robots, what contractors are able to do now is to simply drop one in to the pool.
Then they can move on to the next job, and come back later to pick it up.
This means they can now service several clients in the time it used to take to service one.
This business model is becoming what’s called a new ‘segment’. In the US, it is a new emerging trend.
Another model is where homeowners enter into a hire-purchase plan with the contractor.
This means that they pay off a robotic pool cleaner over time, as part of an overall pool care service.
That way, the pool owner can clean their pool on demand, and the contractor needs to visit less often, just to see that everything is working okay.
It’s a bit like a phone plan where the customer pays off the equipment over 2 or 3 years.
What it also does for the contractor is to help business continuity and customer loyalty by making the contract last for the whole renewal period.
And these new emerging businesses are sometimes being sponsored by major robotic pool cleaner brands.
The brands see it as a way of getting their devices onto households’ lawns.
“We’ve always done it that way”.
Have you ever heard someone say that’s the most dangerous phrase of all?
We know that’s a cliche, but is there merit in changing the way pool care is done? From the homeowner’s point of view, they can make better use of their contractor’s higher order skills around the pool.
From the contractor’s point of view, they can visit the premises less often, which reduces the amount of dead time involved in travel, and so they can service more customers. And do more interesting and value-added work while they are on-site. It also reduces the impact of bad weather on their business schedules.As for the robotic pool cleaner itself, the contractor just needs to check that it is doing its job, not getting caught anywhere, and give it some seasonal servicing.
Why robots in pool maintenance are the right way to go
There are a lot of sensible non-financial reasons to use a battery driven robotic pool cleaner as opposed to other types:
- They can be used on demand, eg. just before the guests arrive.
- They don’t rely on the filter pump being on.
- There are no cables to get tangled or twisted.
- They don’t plug in to the wall, so can be used unsupervised
robotzoo offers the best pool robotic cleaners Australia can get.
We ensure that you will get crystal-clear results from your pool robot.
Whether you have been looking at the Dolphin M400, Zodiac CX35,
Hayward SharkVac, or the Poolbot b150, you can compare our models.
Hayward SharkVac, or the Poolbot b150, you can compare our models.
If you are looking for user guides for some of these models, try here.
And have a look at the challenges they can overcome.
We’re sure that you will find that our cleaners compare very favourably.
If you’re not sure if robot cleaners are ideal for you, shoot us a question.
We’d love to chat.
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Alternatively, if you would prefer to speak to us first,
please call us on 1 3000 ROBOT. (1 3000 76268)
please just fill out the enquiry form.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to speak to us first,
please call us on 1 3000 ROBOT. (1 3000 76268)