
Window Cleaners

Window Cleaners From robotzoo

Robotic cleaners that can safely reach into high places and tight spaces. They can:

  • Get to out-of-reach corners.
  • And fit in front of merchandise shelves.
  • And even do sloping and horizontal surfaces if necessary.

None of these challenges are too great for a robotzoo window cleaning robot.


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More About Window Cleaners

  • The stealthy Gecko II will go high and wide, automatically, or by remote control.
  • Or the speedy Glider III  window cleaners can access tight spaces due to its low profile.
  • These devices cover all kinds of windows: Indoor; outdoor; or sliding door; inside or outside.
Our YouTube Channel has more about our window cleaning robots.

More About Our Window Cleaning Robots

Robotic window cleaners are still not very well known, despite being among the best home robots for saving time and effort.
They stick to the window using vacuum adsorption technology, and can safely get to places that are out of reach.
They can get into high places or tight spaces.
And some can connect to a smartphone app so the phone can be used as a remote.
Also, some even have an onboard water tank with water spray so they can wet the window as they work.

Types of window cleaning robot Australia has for household use

There are two types of window cleaning robot Australia has available for domestic use:

‘Round’ rotating wheel models

The first type of robot window cleaner Australia saw was one that uses rotating circular microfiber pads.
  • The design is about 30cm long and 15 cm wide, and there are two pads about 15cm in diameter which adsorb onto the glass.
  • The device will climb to the top of the window, alternately rotating the pads, until it bumps against the top of the window frame.
  • And once the bump sensors detect the window frame, the robotic window cleaner will change direction, and start moving horizontally.
  • Then, rotating the pads alternately to move sideways, the device will eventually bump against the window frame on either side.
  • And when the bump sensors detect the window frame, the robotic window cleaner will ‘crab’ its way down the window frame a little bit.
  • Then the device will set off in the other sideways direction, in a straight line, to the opposite window frame.
  • Repeating this process, the automatic window cleaner works its way down the window, in what we call in a ‘Z’ pattern.
  • And finally, when the bump sensors have detected the bottom of the window, the device will stop, and wait to be picked up.
There is usually a safety rope which clips on in case the cleaner is being used outdoors, or in a high place.
This is to reduce the risk of it hitting someone if it falls off the window.  Which is rare, but it pays to be careful.
This type is usually good at cleaning very dirty windows because of the rotating action of the pads.
But remember, if you are using a robotic window cleaner, then the windows won’t get very dirty between cleans!

‘Square’ tractor driven models

The second type of robotic window cleaner Australia was introduced to is the low-profile square model:

  • These newer models have a low profile, which makes it easier for them to fit through narrow window openings.
  • They can also fit where the space between the glass and obstacles like merchandise shelves is very narrow.
  • That makes these models very useful in retail applications, where merchandise is ideally displayed close to the glass for passers-by.
  • The square models are usually about 30cm by 30cm and there is usually a single microfiber pad that wipes against the glass.
  • They also cling to the glass using vacuum adsorbtion, and move along by using rubberised tractor belts which grip to the surface.
  • The device will climb to the top of the window using the tractor belts until its bump sensors detect the window frame.
  • Sometimes they will ‘size’ the window by making one pass top-to-bottom, and/or side-to-side before commencing their cleaning run.
  • The square models are able to follow a ‘Z’ pattern, from side-to-side, and/or a ‘N’ pattern, up-and-down.
  • And the square models will cover about twice the area as the round models in the same amount of time.
  • This makes the square models very good for cleaning really big windows, or there are a lot of windows to be cleaned.
They are also recommended for interiors, where there is usually less dirt that gets built up against the glass.

The Case For Window Cleaning Robots

There are so many use cases to justify our robotic window cleaners, for example:

  • Productivity. They do the time consuming menial repetitive task of cleaning windows and with accuracy.
  • Value. People can be freed up to apply their skills to higher value added tasks, like maintenance or repairs.
  • Safety. Robots can safely go places that are hard to reach, or are dangerous for people to work in.
  • Mobility. Many people are inhibited from doing the difficult chore of cleaning windows due to injury, disability, or mobility issues.
  • Access. Getting into high window corners, or high rise exterior windows is no challenge for a robot.
  • Remoteness. Properties that are mostly unoccupied can still be maintained well without taking up too much time of the owners.
  • Savings. By avoiding the need for highly skilled labour doing low skill tasks, and redirecting them to more value-added activities.
  • Security. By having fewer strangers with access to your home, and not having to supervise people when doing their jobs.

Make robotzoo Your Go-To Place For Home Robots

The robots are coming, it’s true! They’re here to help around the house. Home cleaning robots are also available for other household tasks.
Just like your dishwasher does a menial chore for you and saves you time for the more important things in life.
Similarly, robots make life more relaxing by doing the hard work for you.
Read our Articles, or see our FAQ section for more general information.
You will find tips and tricks for installation and operation, including online user manuals, and product reviews
Also, have a look at the product pages for more specific technical information on our devices.

What does robotzoo do?

Our clever devices help households do mundane chores and maintain the floors, windows, pools and lawns.
There’s a robot for almost every chore:
  • Automatic battery driven robotic lawnmowers;
  • Cordless pool cleaning robots;
  • Frameless glass detecting robotic window cleaners; and,
  • Self-emptying robotic floor vacs.
You can confidently source them all from the one responsible local supplier with a local warranty for every device.

Want to Find Out More?

If you would like us to assess the suitability of your pool or lawn for our devices, please just fill out the enquiry form.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to speak to us first, please call us
on 1 3000 ROBOT. (1 3000 76268)
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